Listen Up!
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Listen Up!

On the other side of asking powerful questions is listening—to what people say with an open mind and heart.

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Just Curious
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Just Curious

When we’re operating above the line—in work and in life—we’re better leaders workers, parents, partners, people.

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Crossing the Line
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Crossing the Line

I’m revisiting THE LINE this month—which gives context for some essential leadership skills and is the best gauge EVER for being effective, in work and life. I’ve written about it before so this is part 2.

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The Leap Year Listicle!
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

The Leap Year Listicle!

Lists like these only come out every four years so seize the day! And by the way, these are things that make us better humans. So whether you’re running an organization, a team or your sweet self, they’ll make your life a little better. I promise.

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Meetings Matter
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Meetings Matter

How many hours do you spend in meetings? How many of those meetings warranted the time, energy and money for everyone to be there? Read about how leaders (and their people) show up in meetings so that the resources committed to them—in money, energy, and good will— maximize impact and get great results.

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An Unexpected Act of Courage
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

An Unexpected Act of Courage

I got kind of obsessed with the question, “what’s wrong with being right?” after my conversation with Kimeshan and Ryan, that I posted earlier this year. So I bugged my friends Lisa & Howard Goldman, on one of their epic walks, to ask the same question. Enjoy.

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♥️ at Work
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

♥️ at Work

I’m all in on leading with heart.

Leaders may be great strategists and visionaries, but if they’re missing “heart” skills, they will likely, eventually, hit a wall. This is why growing and magnifying these skills is a big focus of leadership coaching.

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Steps for Communicating Up & Down
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Steps for Communicating Up & Down

Regardless of where you sit in your organization, you can use these steps to crush it in your everyday communications.

Here you go, go, go!

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Leading Above the Line
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Leading Above the Line

When we lead from above the line we are curious and committed to learning (or understanding). When we lead from below the line we are defensive and committed to being right.

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Endings & Beginnings
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Endings & Beginnings

We don’t pay enough attention to endings and beginnings. Or maybe, we pay the wrong kind of attention to them.

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Go Small to Go Big
Patty Leeper Patty Leeper

Go Small to Go Big

Feeling a little meh about the big goals and intentions you started the year with?

If yes, you’re not alone.

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Patty Leeper Patty Leeper


Explaining can be super useful, like when you’re teaching someone how to do something or you need to provide context to solve a problem. Explaining to defend yourself by muddying the water or deflecting responsibility is not useful.

But it happens all the time.

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Patty Leeper Patty Leeper


When Chris Swanson, a sheriff in Flint Michigan, approached protesters in the wake of George Floyd’s death he said, “The only reason we’re here is to make sure you have a voice…We want to be with you all, for real.” He didn’t wear a helmet or carry a baton. He joined the walking crowd to cheers and hugs and gratitude. He led.

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