Crossing the Line

I’m revisiting THE LINE this month—which gives context for some essential leadership skills and is the best gauge EVER for being effective, in work and life. I’ve written about it before so this is part 2.

This is a line. 

When we disagree with someone, don’t feel understood, can’t see someone’s point of view or get cut off in traffic, we often drift below the line. And when we’re here, it’s hard to have constructive conversations or get good results. That's because below the line behaviors make it challenging  to respond effectively.

These are classic below the line behaviors. It’s what we do instantaneously when things go sideways—not because we’re horrible but because we’re human.

So what does it look like to be above the line?

It looks like this.

All these behaviors help us connect with  others (and ourselves!) and to move beyond our uncompromising points of view, judgments and assumptions.

Turns out, curiosity holds the key to crossing back  above the line. More on this soon. 


Just Curious


The Leap Year Listicle!