Coaching Q&A

Q: What is coaching?

A: Sometimes coaching is this:

And sometimes it’s this:

And guaranteed it’s ALWAYS this:

Q: That’s cute but why do people hire coaches?

A: Great question and the possibilities are endless. I work with people to:

  • Get moving—figure out a direction, either personally or professionally, and go go go

  • Partner—on any issue where the “go at it alone” approach isn’t working

  • Shift—a personal or professional relationship or situation in which you feel stuck or that’s causing any sort of mischief for you

  • Bring your greatness—to work and life, and the greatness is much closer than you think

  • Create a plan of action—along with the structures to execute it and the “Goldilocks” support you need

Q: How does it work?

A: Here is the process:

  1. We have an exploratory conversation to give coaching a test drive, see if we’re a fit and answer all your questions

  2. If you are in (YAY!) we schedule our first foundational coaching session. Clients usually work with me for 3 to 6 months—1 to 2 sessions/month—but this varies based on your needs. No one size fits all.

  3. In between sessions we can do email, text or quick 15 min check-ins; I will also likely ping you with resources and tools to support your project

  4. To kick off our time together, I’ll send you some questions to answer and mind-blowing things to think about. The work starts now and you’ll be so happy you’ve taken the step

Q: How can I learn more?

A: Grab time on my calendar to explore how we might work together and we’ll go from there. Easy peasy.