Disarming, Again.

I wrote a blog last year called Disarming. Over the months since, I’ve worked with leaders to practice disarming techniques and they in turn inspired me to do a follow-up on what disarming is and how to do it.

So here’s the what and how video explainer on disarming. It’s about 11 minutes long but has tips to last a lifetime.

The techniques are super simple. You don’t need any special training to do them. But, they’re not always easy to access because our most basic human instincts get in the way.

If you practice the techniques in your role as a leader (or partner or parent or friend), the payoff is big. You will build kick-ass, collaborative, engaged, problem-solving teams. AND you will create stickiness with your people which will, in turn, retain them.

What’s not to love about that?


The Art of Complaining


Fireside Chat: Leading with Emotional Intelligence