Knock the Socks Off Your Goals

Whether I’m working with you inside your organization or independent from your work, we use simple approaches to keep you on track so that your intentions, actions and results are aligned.


  • Tried and true, easy to use frameworks, tips and tricks to create stickiness between you and your goals

  • Designed structures that keep your intentions front and center and deal with roadblocks as they pop up

  • Gentle nudging, soundboarding and partnership because accountability is the secret sauce

ShiftPositive 360°

This tool is the bee’s knees for leadership and professional development. It’s different from traditional 360° feedback tools in several key ways because it focuses on:

  • A leader’s strengths and how to magnify them (research shows that, for adult development, this is WAY more effective than focusing solely on what needs fixing)

  • Solution-based questions so feedback is specific, targeted and relevant 

  • Identifying allies who actively support the leader’s growth and development (it takes a village)

  • Behaviors that both raise and zap other people’s energy so they can create conditions around them the get the best from their people

  • Crafting a development plan that keeps the client on track so they level up their leadership capacity and contribute full-heartedly to the organization’s success

Case Study:

Traction for Goals

“I have attended a life-time of goal-setting programs and meetings, so it was a real game-changer when I started working with Patty. Her meeting facilitation is next level. She brings energy and fun to the process and everyone participates. We found it not only improved our productivity but improved communication and trust on the team.”

— KC Cannon; Partner: Leadership Coaching & Organizational Development at Insight Partners